Miltex Needle Holder

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Needle Holder

Manufacturer: Miltex-Integra

  • Surgical Grade
  • Finger Ring Handle
  • Locking
  • Material: Tungsten Carbide
  • Serrated Jaws
  • 4000 Teeth per Square Inch


Design: Tungsten carbide tips (TC) and general materials

Size: 4" to 7"

Style: Crile-Wood; Olsen Hegar; Mathieu; Derf; Baumgartner; Mayo Hegar

Grouped product items
Item #ImageDescriptionMfg#PriceQtyOrder
768-8-16Miltex Olsen Hegar Needle Holder 6 1/2" 16-Aug $150.95
768-8-28Miltex Mathieu Needle Holder 5 1/2" 28-Aug $182.95
768-8-4Miltex Derf Needle Holder 4 3/4" 4-Aug $106.95
768-8-40TCMiltex Baumgartner Needle Holder 5 1/2" 8-40TC $195.95
768-8-42TCMiltex Mayo Hegar Needle Holder 5" 8-42TC $200.95
768-8-50Miltex Needle Holder Crile-Wood 6" 8-50 $100.95
768-8-50TCMiltex Needle Holder Crile Wood Carbide 6'' 8-50TC $203.95
768-8-51Miltex Needle Holder Crile-Wood 7" 8-51 $203.95


A close examination of Miltex Needle Holders, either standard or tungsten carbide, will reveal meticulously crafted surgical tools that will perform precisely as intended. Smoothly beveled box locks and jaw edges protect delicate suture material from snags or cutting. The jaw surface is milled to ensure a secure grasp and to prevent needle slippage or rotation.

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